Saturday, July 28, 2012

Garden Balls

There are many recipes out there for creating these great garden accents.  They look especially wonderful when grouped together in different sizes.  

Here is what you will need:
Styrofoam balls (assorted sizes)
Glass stones, mirror pieces or rocks
Grout(comes in a variety of colours)
Rubber gloves
E-6000 glue or something similar
(do not use a glue gun as they will fall off when you attempt to grout the ball)

Step One:
Apply stones to the styrofoam balls randomly or in a pattern of your choice.  Flat bottomed stones work the best.  Wait 24 hours.

Step Two:
Mix powdered grout by hand in a small disposable plastic container (yogurt containers work well) according to directions on the package of grout.  If you are making more than one ball at once you may prefer to buy a tub of pre-mixed grout.  Put on the rubber gloves and apply a generous coating of grout to the ball, finely covering the applied stones.

Step Three:
Wait 10 minutes and then begin to wipe the grout off the stones with a cloth.  Do not worry if you do not get all of the grout off.  Repeat the wiping of grout in 10 minute intervals until the grout has started to firm and your stones are clean of grout.  Dampen the cloth if necessary.

These garden balls are light enough to transport inside a garage or potting shed for the winter, and heavy enough to stay in place when windy or stormy.  Makes a great summer BBQ hostess gift.